Friday, October 1, 2010

Restaurant Kar Heong

Name of Restaurant:
Restaurant Kar Heong

Address & Contact:
SS14 Subang Jaya ( Next to Teochew Bak Kut Teh)

Business Hours:
Open For Lunch and Dinner Only

Depending on menu


3.0/5-Star. Service ok. Aircon.

Remarks & Opinion:
This update is over two visits. The first we ordered the Curry Vegetable, Steam Fish with preserve vegetable, pumpkin tofu. The 2nd visit we ordered Assam fish head, pan-fry french beans with "mui choi",  pan-fry "yaw mak" with black bean fried dace fish, and a yam basket. Herein, my opinion on them individually :-
C u r r y   V e g e t a b l e: This dish is surprisingly nice and good. Taste is not pungent yet it is aromatic. Am sure it is cooked with coconut milk but it does not give you that heavy feeling. Cost RM9.

P u m p k i n   T o f u : This dish is wrongly named. It is supposed to be pumpkin tofu with eggs. If you didn't know this dish is supposed to be a tofu dish, you would have mistaken it to be steam eggs! The taste is great, riched in eggs and pumpkin but cannot really taste tofu. Thus, based on the name of the dish, it fails, but if it is named as pumpkin eggs with tofu, then it is a different story.but dish is wrongly named! Cost RM 9

S t e a m   T i l a p i a   w i t h   P r e s e r v e d   V e g e t a b l e : Tatse good and fish is fresh. The sauce is not overwhelming but just enough to mask the funny tatse of tilapia. Cost RM 23.

A s s a m   F i s h   H e a d   ( S o o n g   F i s h ) : This dish surpass my expectation. It is so good that the moment it is served, you can get the aroma of the assam mixed with the fish. At that moment, I thought the taste will be overwhelmed by the assam with the stinging taste that will shock the taste bud. Surprise! Surprise! the sauce not only it did not sting the taste buds, bud actually blends in with the fresh fish meat that it leave a feeling of wanting it more! Cost RM20.

Pan-fry "Mui Choi" with French Beans : This is a failure! It is too watery. They should have thickens the sauce and allow it (together with the mui choi) to stick on to the french beans. However, it is too watery to do that. Though the taste is ok, but just did not pass the test. Cost RM7.

P a n - f r y   y a w   m a k   w i t h   b l a c k   b e a n   f r i e d   d a c e : Again this is a failure! Same disastrous cooking method as the french beans. Cost RM9.

Yam Basket: The yam is good, but the accompanying vegetables is too bland. Cost RM9

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